Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturecelmer@xiaoneizhi.com 860.768.4792 UT 302 E
PhD, Acoustics, Pennsylvania State University
MS, Acoustics, Pennsylvania State University
BSME/Acoustics, University of Hartford
Professor Celmer is Professor of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering. He is an alumnus of University of Hartford, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with an Acoustics Concentration in 1978. He went on to The Pennsylvania State University where he earned his Masters and Doctorate in Acoustics in 1980 and 1982, respectively.
Celmer was elected a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America in 2014. He was selected in 2017 to receive the Acoustical Society of America’s Rossing Prize in Acoustics Education. This national prize was established by the ASA to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions toward furthering acoustics education through distinguished teaching, creation of educational materials, textbook writing and other activities. He was Program Director from 1986 - 2024. Celmer is also a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.).
Dr. Celmer has consulted with several firms on architectural acoustics, machinery noise, musical instrument design, loudspeaker design, and acoustical materials development. He has also done research and published papers dealing with digital signal processing for the hearing impaired, annoyance and models of audition.
His research interests include:
- Architectural Acoustics
- Musical Acoustics
- Noise/Vibration Control
- Sound Quality/Psycho-Acoustics
- Audio Engineering Design
- Hearing Loss
- Acoustical Society of America Rossing Prize for Acoustics Education, 2017
- University of Hartford Roy E. Larsen Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1995
- CETA/College of Engineering Professor of the Year
- 2013, 2012, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2000, 1993, 1992, 1988
- ASME Distinguished Engineer of the Year Award, 2014
- United Technologies Great Job Award
- Jasinski, C., Celmer, R.D., Effective Educational Practices, Assessment, and Applications in Acoustics and Vibration at the University of Hartford, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, V152, pp633–639, 2022.
- King, E.A., Celmer, R.D., Rahusen, S., C. Goodman, LoVerde, J.J., Dong, W., Pilla, F., Determination of the Exterior Noise Environment by Statistical Assessment of Traffic Time History Patterns, Conference Proceedings of Noise-Con 2016 (Institute of Noise Control Engineering), Providence, R.I., June 2016.
- Celmer, R.D.,University of Hartford’s Acoustical Engineering Programs, Keynote Address at Noise-Con 2016, Providence, R.I., June 2016.
- Vigeant, M., Celmer, R., Ahearn, M., Schaeffler, M., Jasinski, C., Giacomoni, C., Wells, A., Ormsbee, C., Investigation of the Just Noticeable Difference of Clarity Index for Music Using Simulated Impulse Responses and Anechoic Music Recordings, Journal of the Acoustical Society of Amercia, Volume 138, No. 1, July 2015.
- Celmer, R., King, E., Ackerman, A., Zonenshine, J., Contribution of Floor Treatment Characteristics to Noise Levels in Health Care Facilities, Part 2, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America V137, May 2015.
- King, E., Faraci, P., Celmer, R., Acoustic Engineering by Design – Example of a Service Learning Course for Undergraduate Engineering Students, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America V137, May 2015.
- Celmer, R., and Vigeant, M., University of Hartford Undergraduate Acoustical Engineering Programs and Teaching Philosophy, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 131, No. 4, Pt. 2, April 2012, p. 3252 (conference proceeding).
- Celmer, R., Arena, D., Stevens, K., Rowell, S., Williams, A., Acoustical Analysis at Gems Sensors and Controls, Plainville, CT, Engineering Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-23, May 2012.
- Celmer, R., Andersen, J., Paul, A., Strybos, J., Vincent, C., Acoustical Analysis of the Connecticut Science Center 5th Floor South Gallery, Engineering Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-22, May 2012.
- Celmer, R., Florio, M., D’Antonio, J., Modal Analysis of Taylor Guitar Wood Finishes Pt. 4, Engineering Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-19, May 2012.
- Celmer, R., Vigeant, M., Ormsbee, C., Stypowany, C., Parlock, R. Acoustical Evaluation and Recommendations Regarding Speech Intelligibility for Playhouse on Park Theatre,Engineering Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-18, May 2012.
- Celmer, R., Chaloux, J., Heaton, J., Hearing Protection Evaluation for CH-53B Sikorsky Helicopter Crew Members, Engr. Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-17, May 2012.
- Celmer, R., Vigeant, M., Connelly, S., Perna, N., Impact Isolation Design for UH Wilde Auditorium in Harry Jack Grey Center, Engineering Applications Center Report # EAC-2012-16, May 2012.